EL ÁLAMO directs you to the desert landscape, to a classic western film (John Wayne invested all his fortune in this film in 1960), to the battle for the rights of one and the other, to the resistance for your principles and ideals, to the first mission established in Texas and to a fortress. But also, the tree that grows fast with its leafy branches, the tree that sees the time pass and the tree that when the wind «hits» it produces a pleasant sound with its heart-shaped leaves.

EL ÁLAMO creative management is the environment where I feel comfortable to participate, to share and to collaborate in cultural and artistic projects while preserving artistic and management Independence. The environment to work in International Relations , Artistic coordination, internationalization projects, development projects training and the accompaniment of all sort of generations will happen in EL ÀLAMO.

EL ÁLAMO is a space for creative writing dedicated to artists, directors/directors of festivals, curators etc who want to LEAVE TELEWORK to move to a space of community and dedicated to creation.

EL ÁLAMO will be a living arts archive/center/library that has passed through MOM/ELVIVERO